Welcome to Blind, Stupid and Desperate, the Watford
Football Club webzine. If you're a regular visitor, you might like to avoid
all this waffle and get the hell on with it. If
you're new round these parts, then please read on and I'll give you an idea
of what to expect from BSaD.
First things first, let's get the boring stuff out of the way. "Blind,
Stupid and Desperate" is an independent fanzine/information service. The
views expressed are not necessarily those of Watford F.C. or Watford F.C.
employees. Material from Watford programmes, the Watford Observer and other
sources is used in order to provide information about Watford F.C. Nobody
involved with this WWW page gains in any material way from this exercise, and
no laws are knowingly being infringed. Any complaints should be mailed to
Ian Grant (ig@bsad.org).
If you're already fed up with reading what we have to say and want
to talk to some other Hornets, I suggest that you
join the mailing list right now. The list
remains the best way to get hold of the latest Watford news, as well as
providing an excellent forum for discussion.
On the off-chance that you like what you see and plan to visit again, it'd be a very good
idea to bookmark the What's New page and
avoid all that nonsense on the index - everything that changes on BSaD
is linked from "What's New" and it'll take a fraction of the time to download. If
you're after the latest news updates, then I'd also recommend that you visit and bookmark
the official club site news pages.
Right, BSaD. What's that all about, then? Basically, it's an attempt to
provide a forum for stimulating and informative writing about Watford and
football in general. For a start, there are detailed
previews and match reports on every first
team game. You'll also find vaguely up-to-date
and attendance statistics.
Away from the hustle and bustle of the current season, there are articles on
pretty much everthing under the sun - far too numerous to mention here, in
fact, so I suggest you have a wander and see
what you find.
If you can't find anything that interests you, then how about doing it
yourself? For that matter, if you completely disagree with any views expressed here, then
write a counter-argument. BSaD welcomes contributions on
any subject, so get pen to paper (or finger to keyboard) and
send us stuff. Fame and fortune awaits...
"It's all a bit, well, texty, isn't it?" Um, yes it is. That's
partly because we've never believed the cliché "a picture paints a
thousand words" - I want to read about what people are thinking, not look at
Clint Easton's new haircut. There is also a problem of space - a
picture takes up the same space as about ten match reports and I know which
I'd rather have. Finally, there is the inevitable copyright issue - there is
a limit to how much you can extract the urine by scanning stuff from match
programmes. That said, there are a few piccies dotted around.
You'll also notice that there's a distinct lack of shouting about Luton. This
is a fanzine about Watford and, as such, we believe that we can find interesting
things to say about our club rather than defining our identity in terms of
the next-door neighbours. Hopefully, the current content of BSaD bears that
view out. It's more or less the only editorial policy that we enforce.
Hope you enjoy it.
See ya,
Ian Grant